
Print ISSN 1016-2283


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English Phonological Pitfalls
A Brief Discussion of Edwin Arlington Robinson Based on His Life and Poetry
Robert Herrick as a Love - Poet
Hemingway 의 이중성 (二重性) : 우애정신과 (友愛精神) 범애정신 (汎愛精神)
Hawthornes's Attitude Toward New England Religious Doctrine
Shakespeare and Hardy : Their Tragic Worlds
The Novels of Nathaniel West - A Sargasso of the Imagination -
Lady Chatterley's Lover 에 관하여
Shaw 의 Diabolonian
The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck " Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by the sun of York ." - Richard Ⅲ